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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Gale

Similar Music Videos

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Taylor Swift - Mean

The song itself has a deeper meaning in it other than just about how bullying is wrong and unforgiving. It's about Taylor's personal life. 'Mean' tweets had been thrown her way by critics of her and her work and she'd had enough of it.

However, the music video that comes along with this video sends a message out to those who bully the people who are hard working and that maybe don't fit in with the 'ordinary' that despite their differences, those who focus on progression through life and that have dreams are likely to succeed.

The video is a long narrative of Taylor performing in front of a girl who later on in the video is revealed as a lonely, bullied child. It is expected that this performance mirrors Taylor's early life as a child where she had the wealth to go do things like theatre but had no friends to go do it with. Here, she uses her status and influential power to bring awareness to bullying and to the children who despite their parental backgrounds have great difficulty in socialising and making friends/companions.


In the first sequence of bullying, judging by the stereo-typically gay body language, costume and interests of the male character in purple, the man is being bullied because of his sexuality. Again, stereo-typically it's the sports guys who are doing the bullying. It is seen hugely across schools that these issues surrounding bullying of sexuality are not addressed, and here Taylor has noticed this and used her image to send out a message to all that this kind of behaviour is not correct. The light across that backs of the bullies suggests their reputation covers up their bad behaviour - as if these amazing people could never do anything wrong because they're such a great example - so that the people around eg. teachers cannot see whats going on behind the scenes and will be oblivious.


Here it can be noticed that the bullies are no longer bullying the man and that he is now very happy and perhaps motivated by the magazine at hand. The light over the face of the man represents a fulfilment and achievement. Implying the idea of success despite bullying is a way for Taylor to send the word around that you can do and be whoever you want and be successful if you keep going at the dream that you have in life. It also poses as a religious symbol in that he is the angel (the good guy) that is perhaps inhuman and is above those who should be pitied for their bad behaviour and bullying tenancies.


This being the second sequence, a similar action is taking place. The woman wearing what seems to be reasonably expensive material clothing on the left is seemingly taunting the woman wearing the star costume that is working for her money on the right. This perhaps is Taylor putting across the idea that for some life isn't as easy as just having cash lying around and that most of us aren't privileged like those people and have to work hard/embarrass oneself to earn their money. With her mother previously being mutual fund marketing executive, and her father a stockbroker, its hard to see why she believes she has a stance with this, being that her family has always had money. However the bringing of this with her status founded before she even became a registered adult (16) that has followed her all of her life, doing this would seem to be a 'good' thing to. Taylor is maybe raising awareness for those she knows were less fortunate than her.

What i going to take from this...?


The MTV 'Best music video award' winning music video for the song 'pop' by NSYNC is regarded as one of the most crazy and exhilarating music videos of all time. In this video it uses all of the types of camera shot that i will be using in my video - Low angle/Eye-level shots at wide angle - which are common in that of a pop genre style music video. This was also the first recognised where in editing of the music video to use 'stutter edit' and do it successfully - I will not however be using this feature, but perhaps i will integrate the fast motion moving and snazzy transitions that catch the young eye of the audience watching.


In this scene, it can be seen that this is a eye level shot at a wide angle. This kind of camera work is usually associated with pop audiences because it makes them feel as if they're in the action with them. Here a vignette has been used to make it look like your seeing it through eyes, and also to exaggerate the spotlight on the artist in centre frame. This is commonly used in all pop videos to show off the artists wealth and is more commonly used at present to show off expensive/luxury items such as clothing and accessories.


Following on from the previous shot, this one is very similar in that it's a wide angle and an eye-level shot. However this scene includes direct address to the audience, making them feel even more inclusive toward the artist - as if they are at this party with them. It gives off a lavish lifestyle full of women loving him and looking confident. This will appeal to the audience which this band are targeting - younger daredevil audiences who are looking for the lifestyle of a famous person and are easily mind distorted by things that look good and want to achieve this which is not realistic in reality. But, it makes the band money and gains them awards.

What i going to take from this...?

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